Select it and then send it to the spam folder by clicking the Report spam button above the email. If spam lands in your inbox, don’t delete it. Your email client can help filter out some of the more obvious spam that lands in your inbox, but it won’t be able to catch everything unless you take some time to train it. Luckily, there are ways to keep these spam emails at bay. If even half of those end up in your inbox, you’ll be dealing with a lot of potentially dangerous messages.
The bottom line is nearly half of all emails are spam. Spam emails can still slip through, not only wreaking havoc on your tidy inbox but also sometimes bringing phishing schemes or malware along with them. While built-in spam filters for Gmail or other email clients can help temper the issue, they can’t do all of the heavy lifting. Spam is a real issue for anyone with an email account.
See those rows and rows of quarantined emails? Imagine them filling up your main inbox instead. Go to your email inbox and click on your spam folder.